Returns and Cancellation Policy

Last updated: 4/25/2024

If you purchase a Subscription, you will provide accurate billing information, including a Payment Method. For Subscriptions, we will automatically charge your Payment Method on each agreed-on periodic renewal until you cancel. You are responsible for all applicable taxes, and we will charge tax when required. If your payment cannot be completed, we may downgrade your Subscription or suspend your access to that Subscription until payment is received.

You can cancel your Subscription at any time, and you will continue to have access to your Subscription through the end of your billing period. To cancel, contact the payment processor identified in the receipt emailed to you or email us at [email protected]. If you cancel your Subscription, your account will automatically close at the end of your current billing period. Payments are nonrefundable, except where required by law. This agreement does not override any mandatory local laws regarding your cancellation rights. You must cancel your Subscription before it renews to avoid billing the fee for the next billing cycle to your Payment Method.

We may change our prices on one or more occasions. If we increase our prices, we will give you at least 30 days’ notice and any price increase will take effect on your next renewal so that you can cancel if you do not agree to the price increase.

If you believe that we have charged your Payment Method in error, you must notify us in writing no later than 30 days after you receive the billing statement in which the error first appeared. If you do not notify us in writing of a dispute within this period, you hereby waive any disputed charges. You must submit any billing disputes in writing through [email protected] and include a detailed statement describing the nature and amount of the disputed charges. We will correct any mistakes in a bill and add or credit them against your future payments.